
Monday, January 30, 2012


Ubuntu will upload backdoor  cymotoa

The appearance of the backtrack

                          _  | |               
  ____ _   _ ____   ___ _| |_| |__   ___  _____
 / ___) | | |    \ / _ (_   _)  _ \ / _ \(____ |
( (___| |_| | | | | |_| || |_| | | | |_| / ___ |
 \____)\__  |_|_|_|\___/  \__)_| |_|\___/\_____|
Ver.1 (alpha) - Runtime shellcode injection, for stealthy backdoors...

By codwizard (codwizard@gmail.com) and crossbower (crossbower@gmail.com)
from ES-Malaria by ElectronicSouls (http://www.0x4553.org).

        cymothoa -p <pid> -s <shellcode_number> [options]

Main options:
        -p      process pid
        -s      shellcode number
        -l      memory region name for shellcode injection (default /lib/ld)
                see /proc/pid/maps...
        -h      print this help screen
        -S      list available shellcodes

Payload personalization options:
        -x      set the IP
        -y      set the port number
        -r      set the port number 2
        -z      set the username (3 bytes)
        -o      set the password (8 bytes)
        -i      set the interpreter (def /bin/bash)
        -c      set the script code (from cmd line)
        -F      do not fork parent process
root@bt:/pentest/backdoors/cymothoa# ls
cymothoa  cymothoa.c  cymothoa.h  fork_shellcode.o  fork_shellcode.s  Makefile  payloads.h  personalization.h  script.pl
root@bt:/pentest/backdoors/cymothoa# cp cymothoa.c /var/www/
root@bt:/pentest/backdoors/cymothoa# service apache2 start
 * Starting web server apache2                                                                                                                                                           [ OK ]
root@bt:/pentest/backdoors/cymothoa# cd /var/www/
root@bt:/var/www# la
beef  cymothoa.c  .directory  dvwa  DVWA-1.0.7.zip  fbip  index.html  wstool
root@bt:/var/www# ls                                                                                                                                                                           
beef  cymothoa.c  dvwa  DVWA-1.0.7.zip  fbip  index.html  wstool                                                                                                                               
root@bt:/var/www# mkdir cy
root@bt:/var/www# mc cymothoa.c cy                                                                                                                                                             
cy/         cymothoa.c 
root@bt:/var/www# mc cymothoa.c cy
cy/         cymothoa.c 
root@bt:/var/www# mc cymothoa.c cy/
The program 'mc' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:
apt-get install mc
You will have to enable the component called 'universe'
root@bt:/var/www# mv cymothoa.c cy/

  1. NC was unable to execute bash comman
  2.  Cymotoa work I downloaded through the browser but the error and can not be compiled into the ubuntu that
  3. I use For the sequel I will continue using ubuntu that has been upgraded

Crack shadow jhon the ripper

Crack shadow jhon the ripper 

 to see what commands are on Jhon The ripper
root@bt:/pentest/passwords/john# ./john
John the Ripper password cracker, ver: 1.7.8-jumbo-8 [linux-x86-sse2]
Copyright (c) 1996-2011 by Solar Designer and others
Homepage: http://www.openwall.com/john/

Privilege escalation

Privilege escalation

In practice Privilage Escalation, we first scan the IP addresses which we will exploit, in this case I use tools and Zenmap nessusd.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Exploit DB and Windows Exploitasion

 Exploit DB and Windows Exploitasion

exploit DB
The first-tam to know vurnerabilitie I use my application using the application Nessusd, which is a browser application that is able to see the gap in a system, as for some way to run this application is,
open your web browser, then enter the IP address vulnerabilitie will we know, in this Promised, as for 8834 it is the port address for nessusd,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Information Gathering with website

Information Gathering www.1s2c-dojo.net

Instalation Nessus

how to install Nessus tools:
first of all I download these tools at the address http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus/nessus-download-agreement
After that we will start the install program o

Information Gathering for localhost

Information Gathering for localhost

Monday, January 23, 2012



Open Virtual Box
Click New, then it will pop up a dialog box, click next,
Enter the host name on the column name, then click next